


Не дао ти Бог да се бечиш над истинама,
што усмрћаване- Духом вапију,
из прокопаних а живих гробница-
међ’ самопрозваних, и од чинилаца и од сопства ниње,
живих човечица.

Не дао ти Бог да отпеваш слабије,
јак српски стисак
у живоме своме његовога преносу- омлитавиш,
поздрав комшији позаборавиш,
речи благословне не осетиш.

Не дао ти Бог да помислиш лоше,
да се приклониш у нечасне партије
и по нездравоме духу, храњеном што јесте,
прошириш усахлина виђеније.

Не дао ти Бог да преплаве тебе ноте које вичу
”Дерите се душмани, криви смо сами,
што смо лењи и на вас пали,
идоле у вас саградили,
па све нам речи пишу около у клањању,
да клањајући се вама, правимо вас законитим законима.”

Не дао ти Бог такав помишљај,
него промишљај и промишљај.
Начини корак у васпитање,
начини православно поравњање,
душе твоје и Духа Светога,
најмудријег у човечице пута.

Да се зна ред,
да га зна син и ‘ћери твоја,
да се обрадују земљи својој,
Богу највише радована.
Излегла из Његовога,
по и за Таква Живога
и једина Права Промишља.

koncept postojanja

JANUARY 8, 2017

ne mogu pisati o sreći koja je doživljena,
mogu samo gledati kako raste
i pada u tamu iz koje je došla.
ali ta ideja,
ipak je radosna,
jer sila je validna
i sve je stvoreno
da se podrži harmonija.
sve je prožeto tačnim suštinama,
sve je pokrenuto tačnim proračunima
i svetlosnim nitima propisano..
budi bog sa nama,
svetlećemo nekada nekome.

Egoistično mudrovanje

NOVEMBER 23, 2016

Kosmičkim usvajanjem
Višeprotočnog reda mira
Vasceljenja cele zemlje
Prepodobna suština bića
Biće da je zemlja
Ta suština sama po sebi
Više nije strana
Donosimo prave tvorce istinskoga znanja
Hodanja iz mudrosti
Po danu i noći
Mi smo jedno sa tim
Mi se uvažavamo iz uvažavanosti
I postojimo na postojanjima svesti
Za svest koja je svemoguća
Pridruži nam se sada ti
Pridruži nam se odmah i
Započni otkrovenje
Započni osvajanje samoga seme
Same sebe
U svojoj punoj punoći
U svojem jedinstvu
Vremena zapisa, otkrij sebe
Dokle god pukni, svetlost tebe da popuni
Novo svetlo dana, novi promicaji, zemljo zemljo o zemljo spremna na mene!
Večno snivaj po noci,
Večno snivaj tu, jer me dočekaćes ujutru
Ujutru po spoznaji, po prvom ustupku
Po prvom činu, ti ces hodati
Spoznavati, jos jače
Za tvoje naredne poduhvate
To je tvoje putovanje
To je tvoja oktava
Budi spreman Sada Jesi
Budi Otac Mater Kćeri


OCTOBER 1, 2016

ti si sam
svoj bog
istina je

percipiraš stvoreno
i doživljavaš
svoje struje

struje koje si pokupio
struje koje si poneo sa sobom
u stvaranju sebe

nema ti ravnog
nema ti ravne

ali si i samo još jedno oko
u neobjašnjivo
sveučilištu trajanja

Ramble damble

JULY 18, 2017

Choose me, choose you, choose life
You will be headed towards big offers
Which to combine?
Which ones will last?
You ask and I repeat
Everything is damaging and burning from
Inside, so we could all feel
What it is like to know
Such thing
In life in all degrees
So search now, approach with sensing
And opened mind..
What you feel as correct,
Stop with them rest saying
What they want
It is you who needs
Unique life on your own
Free ur thoughts..
From goodness within
Go now and
Believe that you need
The richness of a feel
One thought
And you are in.

To be

JULY 7, 2017

To be, to exist
To find a value and spread wings
That’s for what we here are for
That’s for what I’ve been going oh
Search for a mind, a quest for the heart
Diving deep, owing to insivible intelligences
Sensing, feeling, consuming
Energies everywhere rules
Rules our cosmos
Binding us together, we are unique kind
Where it all began
Where it all was just an idea,
We have spread ourselves,
and gave a promise to our kind,
that we will be good-hearted,
to live in truth and the joy
for each other
for every rose
for every feel
We are here toghether,
We are here for reason.
We are voice of a schism,
remakable prison,
we live as we give,
we rule our prison.
By understanding the power of now.
By planting the seeds of play
Grab some play-doh, grab some dust,
We can put it together
As children do and laugh
We are spreading the voice
that says,
to rule,
you must know the laugh
that is free, that is pure joy
and guess who has it the most?

World peace, love, wisdom, happiness

JULY 29, 2016

Marry the limitedness of your past actions with bright presence,
Guide your thoughts with the lightness of being you,
Powerfully stand upon everything that came and that is to come.
Energicaly embrace the fruits of everything,
Drink only the best juices of it,
For your vision to be
A perceptive master.
Hold the possibilities in your heart,
For you are truly Creator,
Imagine, for everything is a projection:
Eternal bliss, everyone now has the eyes to tell it.
Earth, our place for Unity.

One, two, three, go!


The form of a thought at its given resemblance
Bounce up herself from the layers that occurs
Consciousness rise after the layer has been born
Consciousness has its stars that are going to be thorn
Apart from what it had been given
Apart from the truth of loving, to flow with birthed such river
Many shows have risen, many shows goes up with the spider
I am the spider of this message and I give it to you
‘Cause i choose this chaos, it has been burning up from 2.
I love the perception, the holder of a being
To hold it, so be it
My only presence have the courage to be living
And I know of such a demanding
To be up with it you must be descending
I am the fire, I am the blade
Jack me up, and you’ll be amazed.
I am the living, the most among the thrills, been such a lyric.
Never again, never spotted, I leave by my best
It has been called, it has been brought
That I do my best of how it’s to be pleased.
Horrors of a show, horrors of ascending.
To be yours truly, you must take demanding.
And never again up with theirs blending
Yours are truly, truly make a standing
Off an hour, off and given, of a thought, take what is given.